Nipple Restoration FAQs:

How long will my nipple tattoos last?

  • Every canvas is different. The longevity of your nipple tattoos will vary based on factors such as skin integrity, history of radiation, scarring, your skincare regimen, sun exposure, and ultimately your genetics. With that said, permanent ink is utilized and your results should last 5+ years before prominent fading should occur. Most likely, you will lose a little vibrancy to the overall color and/or detail work present over time. To ensure a longer-lasting result, we always include a touch-up session in your treatment plan.

What is the healing process like with 3D Nipple Tattooing?

  • Healing from nipple tattooing can take anywhere from 10-14 days. During this time we encourage moist healing with a protective cover. To be safe, we ask that you avoid submerged water (baths, pools, lakes, oceans, rivers, etc.) and excessive sweating for 2 weeks following your session. If you have an awesome vacation planned, you would want to schedule your sessions with that timing in mind.

  • The tattoos will likely appear darker and more red when you leave our office, and this will settle over the first few days. You might also notice slight drainage in the first 12 hours. After your first session, it is common for the color to fade slightly over the 6 weeks before you come back for your touch-up. If the color heals lighter than you would like over that time, we can always darken it at your touch-up (see below).

  • Your specific aftercare plan is always discussed at your appointment and you are sent home with written instructions. We also provide all of our contact information for any additional questions or concerns that may come up while you are healing. We welcome photos if you want to check in or update us on how things are looking 1-2 weeks out from your session.

Touch-Up FAQs:

Why is there a touch-up session?

  • The touch-up session, scheduled 6 weeks after your initial visit, is a time where we can adjust the color if desired/needed or simply layer more of the same tones to provide a more crisp, long-lasting result. We can always go darker and larger at touch-up if need be, but we cannot go lighter or smaller. This session is available for any of our restorative tattooing services.

Do I have to have the touch-up session?

  • Not only does the touch-up provide increased longevity to your nipple tattoo(s), 9 times out of 10 we can find something that needs a little extra love. Ultimately though, whether or not you proceed with the touch-up is completely up to you. If you choose to forgo your touch-up session initially, we can still complete it at a later date if wanted/needed.

  • If you are traveling to us from out of town/state for your sessions, the touch-up can always be postponed to a more convenient date if need be.

Aftercare FAQs:

What if my tattoo becomes flaky or scabs?

  • Flaking or mild scabbing after a tattoo is very normal. If you notice this occurring, please continue applying recommended ointment and remember NO PICKING at your tattoo.

What can I do to promote healing?

  • Keep your tattoos CLEAN and MOISTENED with recommended ointment as well as PROTECTED with a sterile dressing. Heavy scabbing can pull some of the color off, so making sure things stay nice and moist in the 10-14 days following your session is the best way to promote healing and keep as much color as possible. We always provide an aftercare sheet with written instructions that you take home with you following your service, but when in doubt, contact your Perky nurse with any questions or concerns.

Cosmetic Areola Tattooing FAQs:

I have had cosmetic breast surgery; am I a candidate for areola tattooing?

  • Yes! Anyone who has undergone breast biopsies, a breast lift, a breast reduction, nipple grafts or an augmentation surgery may have had their areola(s) altered and/or left with undesirable scarring. This scarring can be camouflaged with a service called “areola camouflage”.

I have not had any breast surgery, but my areolas are asymmetric or too light for me. Am I a candidate for tattooing?

  • Still the answer is yes! For some, there can be natural asymmetry to the areolas or the tone may be very light. In a process called “areola repigmentation”, we can alter the color of your native areola, change the areola shaping to be more round or oval based on your goals, and can provide better symmetry to the areolas if needed.

Scar/Stretch Mark Camouflage FAQs:

My scars are white; can they be camouflaged?

  • White (hypopigmented) scars are great candidates for scar camouflage. This type of scarring tends to take ink very well, blending nicely with the surrounding skin. With that said, every scar is different. Your Perky nurse will assess your scars and walk you through the scar camouflage process, creating an individualized plan for you.

What about camouflaging a darker scar?

  • Dark-toned (hyperpigmented) scars can also be good candidates for scar camouflage. These scars are usually more difficult to blend into the skin than camouflaging a light-toned scar, but improving the overall color and tone of the scar can be done. Hyperpigmented scars require more sessions on average to get the scar to a lighter tone with a more blended appearance. That being said, all scars have individual variation in how they respond to camouflage, so an individualized plan will be made for you at your consultation.

I was told my scar is a keloid; can this be camouflaged?

  • Unfortunately, true keloid scars cannot be camouflaged with tattooing techniques. Further injuring the scar with tattoo needles can make the keloid appearance worse overall. If you have a keloid, it is best to discuss safe options with your dermatologist and/or surgeon.

Can my stretch marks be camouflaged?

  • Whether your stretch marks are lighter in tone, more translucent, or darker/red, as long as they are at least 6 months old they can be camouflaged. Sometimes we recommend starting with inkless stretch mark camouflage, where a serum is used in place of a pigment, to improve the overall texture of the stretch mark before camouflage with pigment is initiated. Your Perky nurse will assess your stretch marks and walk you through the stretch mark camouflage process, creating an individualized plan for you.

Do I have to consult for Scar or Stretch Mark Camouflage before I schedule my first session?

  • Because of the variability of scars and stretch marks, we always require a consultation prior to scheduling any form of camouflage session. This can be done in person or virtually depending on your location and availability. During your consultation, we will assess the scar or stretch mark (tone, texture, maturity, etc.) to make sure you are a good candidate and to ensure proper timing of camouflaging. Sometimes, these tissue types need more healing time or would benefit from massage/moisturizing prior to starting the tattooing process.

  • For camouflage, we usually provide a “per session” quote at the time of consult and estimate how many sessions we think it will take to achieve your desired coverage. This is an estimation, but it is an educated guess at how the process will go based on our experience with scar and stretch mark camouflage. Breaking things down per session allows you to control how many sessions you want to proceed with, and ultimately you decide when you’re happy with the coverage.

  • If you are a good candidate for scar or stretch mark camouflage and the timing is appropriate, we can proceed with a color match at the time of consult if desired. This can get the process going if you have a specific timeline in mind to complete everything.

Why do you recommend a “Color Match Session”?

  • Great question! The color match session is offered for proper ink color selection. Everyone has different skin undertones and once the ink is implanted and heals, you may notice a change in the appearance of the color selected. At Perky, we always want to ensure we are selecting the proper tone for your complexion before camouflaging the entire area. We practice “baby-steps” with camouflage sessions and build the color and coverage. Please trust the process!

Why is each session 6-8 weeks apart?

  • Each camouflage session is scheduled 6-8 weeks apart to allow proper time for the areas to heal from the tattooing and ensure the true tone of the ink we selected is visible. Coming back for another session too early can lead to incorrect assessment of the color that was implanted as it usually takes at least 6 full weeks for the color to lighten to it’s long-term tone. With camouflage, it is a process of building the color and making sure the tone is a good match for you, so patience is required for this type of service.

What if I’ve tanned from being in the sun; can I proceed with Camouflage right away?

  • If you’ve recently been in the sun and notice your skin has burned or tanned, you will need to wait until this fades completely before proceeding with scar or stretch mark camouflage. When you come in for a color match or camouflage session, we are matching the skin tone we can see that day, so if things are darker or different than your normal, the tone we select will also be too dark and will not be a good match long-term. It is best to let things settle back to your normal, and then come in for your session.

What is the healing process like with Camouflage?

  • Scar Camouflage: healing can take anywhere from 1-2 weeks. During this time we encourage moist healing with a sterile dressing.

  • Stretch Mark Camouflage: healing varies based on the size, texture, and location of the stretch marks. Some areas will hold irritation for several weeks, while others will appear more healed in a matter of days. During this time we encourage moist healing with a sterile dressing.

  • For both: to be safe, we ask that you avoid submerged water (baths, pools, lakes, oceans, rivers, etc.) and excessive sweating for 2 weeks following your session. You will also need to avoid excessive sun exposure (as much as possible) during the healing process. If you have a vacation planned, you would want to schedule your sessions with that timing in mind. Right after your session, the scar/stretch marks will likely appear pink or red from the process. As the area heals, you may notice the color looks darker than your skin tone initially. This usually settles over the 6 week healing timeframe.

  • Your specific aftercare plan is always discussed at your appointment and you are sent home with written instructions. We also provide all of our contact information for any additional questions or concerns that make come up while you are healing. We welcome photos if you want to check in or update us on how things are looking 1-2 weeks out from your session.

Brow FAQs:

What technique should I pursue if I want a soft make-up look?

  • The Perky Powder Brow is a great option for a natural, soft make-up look. This technique utilizes shading of the selected pigment color into the skin leaving a soft brow result.

What is the difference between micropigmentation and microblading?

  • Perky uses different micropigmentation techniques for eyebrows, always including a permanent make-up tattoo pen with microneedles to gently implant the selected pigment into the skin. This technique has minimal discomfort, heals quickly, and offers years of longevity to your eyebrow tattoos.

  • Most people have heard about microblading before, which is a technique where blades dipped in ink are used to make cuts along the brow line. The ink is then massaged into the cuts for more ink absorption. This technique can be an uncomfortable process for some. If the cuts are made too deep, this process can also scar the skin. Most of the time, frequent touch-ups are required with microblading. For these reasons, Perky does not offer microblading.

How long should my eyebrow tattoos last?

  • Every canvas is different; keep in mind there are varying skin types that absorb ink differently. With that being said, your eyebrow micropigmentation should last 2+ years. Every few years you may desire a touch-up to maintain pigment vibrancy.

I lost almost all my eyebrows with chemotherapy. Am I a candidate for Eyebrow Micropigmentation?

  • Yes! You are the perfect candidate for eyebrow micropigmentation. To be safe, we will confirm your chemotherapy start and end dates to ensure appropriate eyebrow micropigmentation timing. Once you are ready, your Perky nurse will walk you through the process and make a plan to restore your brows.

What is the healing process like with Eyebrow Micropigmentation?

  • Healing from eyebrow micropigmentation can take anywhere from 7-10 days. During this time we encourage moisturizing the brows a few times a day. To be safe, we ask that you avoid submerged water (baths, pools, lakes, oceans, rivers, etc.), excessive sweating, and excessive sun exposure for 2 weeks following your session. If you have a vacation planned, you would want to schedule your sessions with that timing in mind.

  • Usually the tattoos are more vibrant when you leave your session and the color will fade slightly throughout the healing process. There may be minimal redness present in the first few days following your session, but little to no drainage is expected.

  • Your specific aftercare plan is always discussed at your appointment and you are sent home with written instructions. We also provide all of our contact information for any additional questions or concerns that make come up while you are healing. We welcome photos if you want to check in or update us on how things are looking 1-2 weeks out from your session.

Radiation Marker FAQs:

What can be done to my “blue dot” radiation markers?

  • Your Perky nurse can offer you a few options when it comes to covering your radiation markers. We can transform them into the appearance of a freckle, beauty mark, OR they can be covered with a tiny tattoo (star or heart, perhaps?).

Do you have a question for a Perky nurse? Drop them in the comments!


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